
How To Put Together A Major Concert

How To Put On A House ConcertHouse concerts take been around forever in one class or another – from the East Declension kitchen parties to live band parties – but lately, they've become a mode for artists to make skillful money and for fans to experience music and art upwardly close and personal.

Having hosted and played many firm concerts, I've become familiar with the good and the bad of both hosting and performing. In fact, two years ago I went on a firm concert "bout" organized by Abode Routes – an arrangement that sets upwardly tours of house concerts for all sorts of artists.

On this tour, we saw the gamut. In that location were some shows that were rewarding, special, and financially lucrative experiences. There were also others where we kind of felt similar we were just a replacement for a Boob tube.

I've also recently become involved with an organization called Sofar Sounds – they fix clandestine house concerts in foreign places and movie them. It's a smashing customs, and I love the concept behind information technology.

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Why Business firm Concerts?

Artists dearest house concerts, because they have the opportunity to brand "forever fans". These are the kinds of loyal fans that volition donate to your PledgeMusic entrada and buy your merch. House concerts are also really intimate and fun. On top of that, they generally pay pretty well.

Audience members love going to firm concerts because they are intimate and individual, you can bring your own booze, and information technology'southward normally a fun community of friends putting it on.

Hosts love putting on house concerts because it's a very fun and artistic style to host a house party, everybody is guaranteed to exist in a skilful mood, and they get to have amazing artists correct in their house. When washed right, house concerts are astonishing for anybody involved.

So here is my guide to putting on a great house concert. This is a valuable skill, because as a musician, at some point, you'll probably find yourself helping out a friend in need and putting on a house concert for them . Or, perhaps you just call up they're fun to organize! Hither's what you demand to know to make your side by side concert a success.

Setting A Ticket Price Is Recommended

House concert basics for musicians

While in certain scenes (such every bit the punk scene or EDM scene), a donation-based approach is the norm, in most situations, a set ticket price is a expert idea. Here'southward why:

Musicians Get Paid Fairly

Even though it'south "just a house testify", there is even so a lot of energy that goes into performing and so chatting with the audience afterwards. Musicians deserve to get paid for their piece of work, and having a gear up ticket price means they know what they're getting into and whether it's worthwhile.

At house concerts, musicians are supposed to get paid adequately. They may even await it, especially if they've played a few business firm concerts before.

A House Concert Is More Of A Concert Than A Party

If yous're in to hosting a true business firm concert, y'all need to do what you tin to make it a truly concert-like experience. Having a ticket price encourages people to pay attention to the music and capeesh the fact that it'south then intimate and personal. People always value what they pay for more than what they don't pay for.

Keep in mind that your goal is to create a "listening room" environment where people are at that place to listen and pay attending to the artist instead of causing a lot of raucous. House concert etiquette dictates that the audition is in that location to listen and appreciate the artist.

Tickets Tin can Be Used As RSVPs

Firm concerts with seven people are pretty bad-mannered for everyone involved. Y'all want to know how many people are coming and so does the creative person. You should also offering tickets at the door, but selling tickets in advance makes information technology easier to know how many people are coming, and enables you lot to requite the artist something of a guarantee.

Yous tin accept cash, eTransfers, or checks, whatever you want. Most house concert hosts will too have a bucket or a hat at the door to encourage anyone who hasn't paid to pay up then and at that place.

Generally, ticket prices should exist set between $x and $xx. More loftier-quotient artists may require the ticket toll to be $20. That was the ticket toll when I went on the Domicile Routes bout.

Prepare Concert Seating

In order to brand sure everyone feels comfortable and to set the right tone for the concert, yous need to set up some concert seating. Figure out where the artist is going to be setting up, and line up some seats in forepart of that area. This gives people direction and lets them know they are at a concert.

Of course, y'all probably won't have plenty seats for everyone – that's totally fine! You actually don't need to have a seat for all in attendance. The point of the seating is to offer those who might need seats (older or disabled folks) a place to sit down, and to set the expectations for the dark.

House concerts are equally casual as they are formal. Audition members often stand, sit on the floor, find some space on a couch, or only find a comfy place from which to bask the concert, which is why you don't demand seating for everyone.

You may also want to prepare some additional extras, like a makeshift stage, a expert fog auto for temper, some nice lights or other. These could all add together to the mood, depending on what you want to achieve.

Say A Few Words Before The Show

Is hosting a house concert easy?I'yard very much about setting upwardly a vibe and an atmosphere before a business firm concert. My least favorite kinds of house concerts are ones where the ring is playing, but they might besides not be. These are usually birthday parties and barbeques. For both the creative person and audience's sake, information technology's better to prepare up a practiced, organized vibe.

It'southward always overnice for the host to say a few things before the concert starts. This mode you tin really gear up the tone for the occasion. Talk about the artist, talk near how lucky the audition is to get to experience their music this mode, and mention the tickets and the creative person'south merch. This volition go a long way and help you build and maintain a strong relationship with the creative person.

Introductions as well have a way of lending more credibility to the artist.

Set up Up A Place To Sell The Artist's Merch

House concerts are a great place to sell merch too as tickets. Audiences are usually very engaged and they get excited. And then they terminate up wanting to purchase merch. Merch is one of the pillars of any artist's tour finances. Giving them an easy mode to sell it will make them very happy.

Y'all tin can ready a table, or set bated some space on a counter top, any is most convenient. Artists will appreciate it if it's somewhere visible and easy to get to.

Encourage A Pot Luck

Anybody loves food, especially when information technology's free. Still, it'due south going to be hard for you to cook nutrient for everyone – that takes fourth dimension and money. Instead, encourage your friends or audience members to bring an item to share!

Most people won't mind cooking something small to share with a group. It doesn't take to be mandatory, just encouraged. The added benefit is if you take this step, y'all'll gear up the tone for all time to come house concerts, that there should be food!

Provide A Repast For The Artist

Of course, this isn't totally necessary, only boy practise nosotros appreciate it. Y'all're probably already making food for the concert, so making something to share with the band or creative person performing shouldn't be too much work, and is a very overnice gesture.

Just enquire if they would like to consume with you lot (most will say yes) and then consider if they have any food allergies. Artists are generally happy to eat whatever y'all melt, but it can't hurt to double check with them.

Over again, this can aid create a great experience for the creative person, who you should be building a relationship with, particularly if yous think you might want them back for an encore functioning.

Provide Water & Coffee/Tea

Providing some basics will make people feel at home and welcome. They'll appreciate the gesture. Having drinks gives people something to practise with their hands and makes everyone feel more than comfortable.

How To Go Booked For A Business firm Concert

Playing and hosting house concertsWe've covered the basics of how to host a business firm concert. But if you're looking to go booked into a business firm concert, here a few steps you can accept to drum upward some bookings.

Starting time, post on Facebook (from your personal or professional account) that you're looking to play house concerts. Business firm concert hosts are always looking for new acts to book, and you will almost certainly get a few bookings this way. Yous'd be surprised by who is in your firsthand and extended network of friends.

The next best thing you lot can do is talk to other artists, especially if you lot don't seem to be getting any bites on Facebook. Most anybody has played house concerts, and they'll almost certainly be able to put y'all in touch with people who host them. Sometimes, artists volition fifty-fifty have their business firm concerts posted on tour posters and websites, which tin can requite you an idea nearly where to go to get bookings.

Another place to cheque is business firm concert directories. These make information technology easy to find potential venues in whatsoever country or province to mankind out your touring schedule.

Some firm concert hosts have Facebook pages and websites – these are ordinarily the nigh organized and professional hosts. To see if at that place are whatsoever of these in your city, search for [Your City House Concerts] on Google. Something will pop upwards! Again, these are the best opportunities to go afterwards.

Once yous find an opportunity that's right for you lot, just send a nice email telling the hosts who y'all are and when you desire to play. If you've played house concerts before, let them know. Better all the same, if you lot have live, acoustic video content, send them that.

Preparing Your Press Kit

Hither are a few pieces of press that will make your life easier when booking business firm concerts:

  • Good printing pictures.
  • Alive videos of you playing acoustically, or recordings that show how you would play acoustically.
  • A working website and social media presence.

This is well-nigh all you need. The main thing to focus on is great music. People will book you lot if they similar your music.

How To Make The Most Of Every House Concert Yous Play

If you're a musician, here are a few things you can practise to maximize the effect of whatsoever house concert you play:

  • Prepare a mailing list signup form, and don't be afraid to pass it effectually. The unmarried most important thing you lot tin can collect from people is their electronic mail address – brand sure you're collecting them at business firm concerts so yous can stay in impact with engaged audience members. Even people that don't buy annihilation from y'all on the spot might drop by your website later to option up a few merch items. You won't know unless y'all have the opportunity to email them.
  • Take a good merch setup – make sure your merch is well organized and visible. It'due south non uncommon to sell $200 of merch at a house concert.
  • Get good at talking to a crowd. Playing house concerts is inherently dissimilar from playing a bar. Learn some jokes and exist ready to collaborate with a crowd that has the ability to shout things at you!

Almost chiefly, house concerts are relaxed, fun gigs – have fun and brand sure your audience has fun too!


Playing a business firm concert is one affair. Hosting is another entirely. Your optics will open to the practical realities of organizing a great show if you discover yourself on the hosting terminate. This experience volition teach you a lot, and will ultimately make y'all a better artist too. If you lot succeed in your hosting duties, people will also begin to see you every bit a chip of a tastemaker and influencer, at least on a local level.

Information technology'south hard to hate an artist that'south doing something good for other artists. If you've never hosted a house concert earlier, you could exist missing out on something amazing.

P.S. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out in that location and earn from it. Want to acquire how to do that? Then get our gratis '5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you!

How To Put Together A Major Concert,


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