
How To Put In Hair Tinsel With Tool

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If you lot're looking to add a little sparkle to your hairstyle, tie tinsel in your pilus. Simply take a strand of tinsel and tie it onto a few hairs near your scalp. You lot tin can do this by manus or use a tool if you're struggling to secure the thin tinsel. Add a scattering of tinsel for a subtle shimmery look or tie them all over your scalp for a fun, assuming way. Since it tin be a little tricky to tie tinsel on your own hair, information technology makes a fun beauty projection to do with a friend!

  1. 1

    Wash your pilus and manner it however you like. Beginning with clean hair then the tinsel is less likely to slide out. Then, dry and style your hair any way yous want. You can blow-dry your hair, permit it air dry, or curlicue it, for instance.

    • Yous've probably seen tinsel used with straight pilus, but it also looks great with wavy or curly pilus.
  2. ii

    Utilize a comb or your fingers to part your hair. Since you'll be attaching the strands of tinsel to your part, determine how yous want to office your hair. You could role it straight down the center of your caput for a assuming look or office it off to the side for a subtle style.


  3. iii

    Take a strand of tinsel and fold it in half. Buy a package of hair tinsel that'due south at least twice as long as your pilus. Then, take a strand of tinsel and fold it in one-half so the ends touch.[1]

    • About tinsel is between 20 and 47 inches (51 and 119 cm) long. If you accept brusk pilus, cull the smaller size and then you lot don't have to cut off the excess tinsel.
    • Have fun picking a tinsel color! Y'all could use tinsel that matches your hair colour to add together a slight shimmer to your hairstyle or pick brilliant, assuming colored tinsel that stands out against your pilus color.
  4. 4

    Make a slip knot with the looped end of the tinsel. To form a sideslip knot, pinch the folded end of the tinsel with 1 hand to form a loop. Slide the pollex and index finger of your other hand through the loop. Then, use your thumb and index finger to pinch the strands of tinsel and pull back to brand the sideslip knot.[2]

    • If y'all're unsure whether or non you've successfully fabricated a slip knot, remove your fingers and pull the loop abroad. The loop should disappear instead of tightening into a knot.
  5. five

    Pull 2 to 3 hairs through the loop and tighten the sideslip knot near your scalp. Keep your pollex and index finger through the loop of the sideslip knot. Use your other hand to carve up ii to 3 strands of hair near your part and concur the skid knot upwards to them. Grab the hairs with your fingers and pull them through the loop. So, pull the ends of the tinsel so it tightens well-nigh your scalp.[3]

    • Brand certain that you pull the strands of hair completely through the loop and so they don't get tangled or knotted.
  6. 6

    Necktie the strands of tinsel into a simple knot. To keep the tinsel secure in your hair, find both of the ends. Overlap the ends and bring i end through the loop you lot made. So, pull the ends in opposite directions to secure the knot most the base of your scalp. The knot keeps the tinsel in your pilus for about 3 weeks.[4]

    • Feel complimentary to launder, dry, and style your hair as usual. The tinsel is designed to blend into your hair and information technology won't cook or break.
    • You can repeat this a few times or knot the tinsel with the strands of hair if y'all want to go on the tinsel in your hair for several weeks.
  7. 7

    Slide the knot down your hair when yous desire to remove the tinsel. The tinsel should stay in your hair for at least 3 weeks. When you're ready to have the tinsel out, feel the hair near your part for the tinsel knot. Pinch the knot and slowly slide it downwards your hair until information technology comes away.[5]

    • You can besides cut the knot with a pair of small scissors if you lot're having a hard time sliding the knot off.
  8. Advertizing

  1. ane

    Buy a tinsel tool from your dazzler supply store. The tinsel tool looks similar a small seam ripper or dazzler extension wand. The hooked end has a latch that opens and closes. This is what you'll use to pull and tie the tinsel to your hair.[6]

    • Yous can as well check pharmacies for the tinsel tool or purchase ane online.
  2. 2

    Line upward a slice of tinsel with i strand of pilus nearly your function. Take a piece of tinsel that's as long as your hair and choose a strong strand of hair adjacent to your office. Use your thumb and band finger to pinch the strand of tinsel and strand of hair.[7]

    • Have fun picking a colour of tinsel that blends in with the color of your hair or stands out. Attempt a bright, neon color if you actually want the tinsel to pop!
  3. 3

    Stretch the hair and tinsel between your fingers so they're taut. Go on your thumb and band finger on the hair and tinsel at the scalp. Then, stretch the index and center finger of your same paw upward by ii inches (5.ane cm). Use these fingers to pinch the hair and tinsel.[viii]

  4. iv

    Hook the tool onto the hair and tinsel and pull them between your thumb. Open up the latch of the tinsel tool and place it onto the hair and tinsel so the hook catches. Draw the tool down towards your thumb and slide it through your thumb and band finger. This makes a tiny loop.[9]

    • Practice doing this a few times until the motion feels comfortable.
    • Keep pinching the tinsel and hair with your fingers while you lot're using the tool.
  5. five

    Take hold of the hair and tinsel strands once again and pull them through the loop. Turn the tool so the open side of the hook faces upward and slide it dorsum towards the strand of hair and tinsel. Take hold of the strands with the hook and slowly pull it through the tiny loop near your pollex and index finger.[10]

    • The latch at the stop of the tool should close every bit yous pull the hair and tinsel through the loop.
    • Keep holding the hair and tinsel with your thumb and forefinger so you can secure the knot.
  6. half-dozen

    Pull the strands to tighten the knot about your scalp. Use your free hand to pull the finish of the tinsel and hair. You lot can use the thumb and index finger of your other hand to slide the knot that's forming down towards your office.[11]

    • You tin wash, dry, and style your hair as usual since the tinsel won't melt or pause.
    • For an extra-secure concord, y'all can tie another unproblematic knot with the tinsel. Keep in mind that you may accept a harder time removing the tinsel later.
  7. vii

    Slide the knot of tinsel down the strand of hair to remove it. When you're prepare to have the tinsel out of your hair, feel for the knot of tinsel virtually your scalp. Pinch the knot and slide it down the length of your hair until it's out.[12]

    • If you lot're struggling to slide the knot, take a small-scale pair of pair of scissors and carefully snip the knot.
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  • Although you can necktie tinsel into your ain hair, it tin be a fiddling awkward, so enquire a friend to assist.

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  • Don't tie the tinsel to impairment or breakable hair since yous could cause the pilus to break.


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